Online sessions FAQs
Market research sessions are also conducted online.
What is the format of an online session?
These might follow the same format as a face to face focus group or an individual interview with an interviewer guiding the session. Or it could be an online community where a group of people will be asked to take part in a number of tasks over a period of time.
Where does an online session take place?
For an online focus group or individual interview usually from your own home. You need to be in a quiet environment with no distractions and definitely not driving! For an online community where you are doing a series of tasks you can do them at a place of your choice.
What device do I need to take part in an online market research session?
You usually need either a laptop or desktop. Mobile phones and tablets are usually not suitable. You will be told what device to use at the time of recruitment and full logging in details will be sent to you ahead of the session.
How will I know if my device is suitable for the session?
When you are recruited we will check what device you are going to use for the session to ensure it is suitable. Occasionally we will need to ring you to go through the set up process for the session to make sure that you can log in successfully with your device. If this is required we will schedule a time with you at the recruitment stage. We call this a technical check.
Does it matter if my internet connection isn't very reliable?
You will need a reliable internet connection so please don't agree to take part in an online market research session if you will be in a place with poor internet connection.